馬屎埔農夫 | Mashipo farmers

認識你的農夫 ! Know your farmers ! 


區家,區生出生於馬屎埔村的全職農夫。父母一代於1940年代從南海佛山移居於此,子承父業。廿數載前從九龍娶得賢妻,區太,一雙巧手由車衣女工轉營務農,每天與丈夫一起種田。一對兒女,自小在村裡長大,都先後放棄了城市的工作,回到農村。女兒,晞旻,2010年中,與村民和友人一起建立馬寶寶社區農場,專職管理農場日常運作,舉辦工作坊和導賞活動。兒子,浩旻,成為了全職的農三代,肯學肯做,跟爸媽一起耕種,是家中的堆肥專員,喜歡種植香草和食蟲植物。一家人比任何人更了解、珍惜和愛護這片養活了他們三代的土地。對抗地產破壞,就從最根本開始,順應天時、不時不植;回收社區廚餘自行堆肥,養護土地;不靠有機認證賣菜,只希望你能親身步進農村、探訪農墟、認識農夫,讓區家親自向你推介他們的得意之作  —  一斤又一斤的馬屎埔靚菜。

我想支持農夫 ! 可以……

1. 來農墟買菜 ! 逢周三2-6時、周日 11 – 6 時開檔 !
2.  參加馬寶寶《社區共購計劃》!!
3. 來參加導賞,認識農夫和永續農業 !

*感謝 新界東北 Style : 生活可以是這樣的 攝影師 John Choy 幫農夫影靚相 !

4 Responses to 馬屎埔農夫 | Mashipo farmers

  1. Harald 說道:

    Hi Becky,
    saw your article in HK magazine.
    Will you ever have this website in English?
    And do you work together with other farms?

  2. octola 說道:


  3. Adley Tsang 說道:

    I would like to be a farmer and help you on the farming, can I ? My wife and I have been travelling around the world for two years and now back to Hong Kong. We have not found jobs yet but our experience in the world tell us that nothing is better than forming a connection with the land we grow our food on. That’s why we like to explore the chance of being a farmer in Hong Kong. If you like to hire helping hand, I can do physical work and am willing to learn. I know it is tough job, but it’s worth the effort do build a home in Hong Kong by farming.

    You can know more about our travel in the blog backpack-around-the-world.blogspot.com

    Wish to hear from you.
